Thursday, December 18, 2008

Shanghai Santa Invasion

This is not really an invasion...this is a Christmas decoration near the location of my office..but for sure , this is one of a kind in the world.. a decor that consist of 6 sleigh..5 sleighs with 9 santas each and another 1 with two santas..I like the idea descending...from somewhere.. ready to distribute love and gifts to 1,330,044,544 chinese... Merry Christmas to All!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Musicians,..on the same path too..

These Pinoy musicians were performing in Luna bar in Shanghai for many years now..their band, Friction famous and noted for their instrumental pieces..and rock songs..This guy in shades is Abe..the lead guitarist.

These fellows were on the same path of mine and all the other Filipinos working worldwide, work abroad to survive poverty.These questions were always on my mind..If our government is not corrupt and our country is rich, should'nt we squeeze out our talents this hard?Maybe were not here outside our country leaving behind our families?..missing precious moments supposedly cherished with our childrens and betterhalves.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dressed in Holiday Style...

In my everyday route to work, I am passing this path..and this morning I'd felt the coming of Christmas..This dept. store, Yao han..A Hk based shopping mall started dressing for holiday season..despite of the global economic downtrend. Seems that this part of the world is not worry and affected by this recession.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Edwin Canales, a Fellow Traveller..

Incidentally I met this guy in the internet, Edwin Canales..He was my colleague in the Phil. wayback 15 years ago.He is also an artist and now working as an art director in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since mid 90's, his especalize is using an airbrush..Just like most of the the filipino who is working outside the country, fled to escape poverty due to wrong system and corruption in the government.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Prepare for the Worst'

I've been prepared for two days now with my pepper spray and camera..but these broad day hold uppers were not around..This was the actual place where it happened.,but I am not setting aside of any worst consequences that may arise anytime they appear..

Modern Defense Tools

I had prepared myself for a defense if ever same situation arise..First thing I had in mind is to have an evidence for an attack..well, it's easy these I'd prepared a digital camera..where in I can record any untoward I have something to show to the police authorities if ever.
Then, I also readied a pepper spray that I bought in Germany..this weapon is not a bladed or fire arm but this can really help me against these city holduppers with jungle bolos in broad day light.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"Don't be kind, don't trust the Strangers" my everyday path near our office..something thrilling happened..two guys selling some wild animal nails in the sidewalk approached me and offer their goods for some amount..At first, I ignored them, but one apprehended me up to the other side of the overpass . Pls. he this for only 5 rmb..I looked at this guy and thinking that he maybe did'nt have a breakfast then I took money from my pocket and paid him..and he said "come to me on the other side and let me cut one nail from the paw"..I went with him to his fellow who at once cut a finger of the bear and started weighing it..then said.."ok pay this for 1800 rmb.."I was shocked and said I already paid it.."You have to pay this amount"he answered..I do not have that amount and I will not pay it that much..they have the opportunity this time since no other took a jungle bolo and said "we will kill you if you will not pay"I have to deal with this situation..this what I thought..Ok, let me get some money so I can pay you..I really do not have that much..I said..but they do not let me go..while I am thinking what to do next,..some passersby came..then a lot more and the one who is holding the jungle bolo put his bolo in the ground together with other goods..then this was my chance to scape..then I walked as fast as I could..and I scaped safely.

I had a notion to report this matter to the police..but what evidence and witness shall I present.
and being a foreigner make me hesitate. It is really non sense to do it.

This is the third incident so far that I witnessed crime time is 7:30 at night , where a lady's laptop was snatched..2nd time was 8 oclock in the morning..where one guy got some goods from a grocery and ran away, and the 3rd time is now that I , was the suppose victim..Not bad for two years stay in this urban city of Shanghai..

Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Keepsake

Another keepsake which I received from my youngest sister, Susan at the early beginning of my journey..a booklet titled "Our Daily Journey".This booklet contains spiritual guidance for our everyday encouragement and spiritual enhancement.She had written some dedications and it just happened that she forgot to put the date..but I am so sure that it was on x mas season of 1995..

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jubilee Year 2000 World Youth Day 1995 Manila

The recent world youth day had reminded me about my nephew who handed me a souvenir that I had kept for a long time.WYD was held in Manila in 1995 and led by the late Pope John Paul II..

I'd kept this souvenir along my journey for years and it's only this time that I noticed the inscription on it"Jubilee Year 2000"..but the event is in 1995..Oh whatsoever! It's
a souvenir of the one who participated and given to me as a keepsake..of my nephew Mario Gojar, who happens now to be in the same path of my journey.

Monday, June 2, 2008

" Sunsets of the Journeyman " Hongkong

Another heart breaking scene..Hongkong sunset, a photo I took one time when I went there with my son, Michelangelo.

" Sunsets of the Journeyman " Shanghai

A sunset in Shanghai riverside..Travelling alone is a lonely situation..going to places away from home and the love ones is a heart breaking experience..and watching the sun goes down alone in a very serene moment is not only a heart braking word can ever describe the feeling of this journeyman..teary eyed watching the twilight time.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

French Landmarks

During my earlier years of travelling, I went to Toulouse and Paris to do some designing job for our counterpart, Philippe Meda and to attend a fair, Tableau et Cadeau..and passing through these landmarks, Eiffel tower and Arch of Triumph..I did'nt hesitate myself to pose for some souvenir shots.

Friday, April 18, 2008

"Dog Bites Dog"

Along my way during a trip in Hamburg, in a village called Fisbeck,I saw this nice cat, silently and patiently waiting for her prey. She is really an exeption to a saying," dog bites dog ", cause she's hunting for a fish and she is not a dog.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"The Journey's End"

Life is a journey of man, how long and how far the journey share a common beginning.And at the journey's end.. share a resting place,.the rendezvouz for the final judgement of the Lord for the kings and the slaves..the servant and the master, the good and the sinner that no one will be spared for the evil deeds that was commited in this journey of man.