Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Musicians,..on the same path too..

These Pinoy musicians were performing in Luna bar in Shanghai for many years now..their band, Friction famous and noted for their instrumental pieces..and rock songs..This guy in shades is Abe..the lead guitarist.

These fellows were on the same path of mine and all the other Filipinos working worldwide, work abroad to survive poverty.These questions were always on my mind..If our government is not corrupt and our country is rich, should'nt we squeeze out our talents this hard?Maybe were not here outside our country leaving behind our families?..missing precious moments supposedly cherished with our childrens and betterhalves.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dressed in Holiday Style...

In my everyday route to work, I am passing this path..and this morning I'd felt the coming of Christmas..This dept. store, Yao han..A Hk based shopping mall started dressing for holiday season..despite of the global economic downtrend. Seems that this part of the world is not worry and affected by this recession.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Edwin Canales, a Fellow Traveller..

Incidentally I met this guy in the internet, Edwin Canales..He was my colleague in the Phil. wayback 15 years ago.He is also an artist and now working as an art director in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since mid 90's, his especalize is using an airbrush..Just like most of the the filipino who is working outside the country, fled to escape poverty due to wrong system and corruption in the government.